My Identity


I am a cis-gendered, middle class, white woman and my pronouns are she/her. I am second-generation Italian-American, I have a Master's degree, I am able-bodied, and I am partnered with a cis-gendered man. I have benefited from a tremendous amount of privlege, and I have many consequent blind spots. When I make mistakes, I welcome you letting me know that I have done damage so that I have the opportunity for repair. 

I am a part of an Anti-Racism book group and a Gender and Sexuality book group. I value looking for discomfort around areas of privlege and have attended several trainings on Unconscious Bias, Transgender histories, and Undoing White Supremacy, amongst others. 

My top three concerns for our world are climate change, racial justice, and houselessness and I am happy to talk action any time.